Reconciliation of Professional and Family Life in Collective Agreements: Role of Social Partners in the Promotion of Gender Equality (GEQUAL)
The project addresses the challenge of how social partners can promote gender equality, especially by introducing this issue into collective agreements. The employment status and rights, including measures for better reconciliation of professional and family life, determines to a great extent the position of women and men in all other areas of life. The main objectives of the project are:
The project strengthens the contacts between the Norwegian and the Slovenian social partners and researchers and promotes the transfer of Norwegian experiences and good practice as regards gender equality in collective bargaining.
Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme 2009-2014; Set A, Gender Equality.
The website of the project GEQUAL is developed and maintained with the financial support of the Norwegian financial mechanism. Responsibility for opinions expressed on the web pages of the project GEQUAL rests solely with the Institute for Labour Law at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana and they do not constitute an endorsement by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism Programme.
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