Reconciliation of Professional and Family Life in Collective Agreements: Role of Social Partners in the Promotion of Gender Equality (GEQUAL)

  • Final research report published More…
  • "Reconciliation measures - Model regulation of work-life balance measures which support gender equality for future collective bargaining" published More…
  • 19.4.2016: Final conference More…
  • "Good practices on work-life balance measures in collective agreements" - article published in the journal Delodajalec, No. 4/2016 (April 2016), p. 43-44, Andreja Poje and Irena Štamfelj More…
  • "Work-life balance from the employers' perspective" - article published in the ejournal Delavska enotnost, No.13/2016, 31 March 2016, p. 16-17, Maja Skorupan More…
  • project GEQUAL presented at the workshop in Moravske Toplice: Kresal Šoltes, K., "Usklajevanje dela in družine: primeri iz slovenskih in norveških kolektivnih pogodb" ("Work-life balance: examples from the Slovenian and Norwegian collective agreements"), 11.-12. March 2016.
  • scientific article published Kresal, B. "Starševski dopust, materinska in očetovska kvota ter očetovski dopust na Norveškem" ("Parental leave, maternity and paternity quota and paternity leave in Norway"), Podjetje in delo, no. 2/2016, p. 356-365 More…
  • Round tables ZSSS: Reconciliation of professional and family life: good practices in collective agreements, 24th  of February and 29th of March 2016 in Ljubljana. more...
  • Round tables ZDS: Reconciliation of professional and family life: possibilities in your company?", 10th of March and 24th of March 2016 in Ljubljana. more...
  • IDPF, ZSSS, ZDS published a new booklet "Reconciliation of professional and family life: examples of good practices in collective agreements", ISBN 978-961-6660-05-1. more...
  • Article »Norveške socialne partnerje gre posnemati (The Norwegian social partners should be followed)« published in the journal Delavska enotnost, no. 5/2016, p. 12-13. more... 
  • Interim results of the project Gequal presented: the Institute for labour Law has finished its research »Measures for better reconciliation of professional and family life in collective agreements in Slovenia and Norway from Comparative Perspecitve« ".
  • Article »Measures for better reconciliation of professional and family responsibilities in collective agreements in Slovenia« published in the journal Delavci in Delodajalci (Emloyees & Employers), no. 4/2015, p. 525-563. Dr. Katarina Kresal Šoltes and dr. Barbara Kresal analyse the role of collective agreements in designing the work-family balance measures and in promoting gender equality. More ….
  • Round table: Reconciliation of professional and family life: new challenges (ageing of population, more women on leading positions in economy, active fatherhood), which took place during the seminar organised by the Institute for Labour Law on 11th of December 2015 in Ljubljana, and attracted more than 100 participants. Photo ….
  • Interim results of the project Gequal presented: the Institute for Labour Law has finished its research “Analysis of collective agreements in Slovenia”. The main research question was whether and to what extent the social partners in Slovenia already included measures for getter reconciliation of professional and family responsibilities into their collective bargaining. The analysis confirmed that so far collective agreements in Slovenia rather reticently include this topics - more ....
  • Article »Ozaveščanje socialnih partnerjev o pomenu ukrepov za lažje usklajevanje poklicnih in družinskih obveznosti zaposlenih« published in the journal HRM, Human Resource Management Magazine, No. 67/October 2015, p. 64-65
  • 20. oktober 2015, GH Union, Ljubljana
    Bilateral exchange of experiences and good practices between the Norwegian and the Slovenian Partners (project Gequal) more... [programme]  
  • Interim results of the project GEQUAL published: In August, the Slovenian social partners who participate in the project, have finished their researches »Analysis of benefits and obstacles when introducing work-family balance measures into collective bargaining – trade-unions’ view« and »Analysis of benefits and obstacles when introducing work-family balance measures into collective bargaining – the employers’ view«. The Norwegian partner in the project GEQUAL, Fafo Institute for Labour and Sodial Research has finished its study »»Work-life balance – family friendly policies in Norway: Overview of the Norwegian experiences and cases of good practice«.
    Full texts of the analyses and the study are published at the GEQUAL web page under »Research«  More…
  • Article »Analiza ankete Gequal« (»The Analyisis of the Gequal Survey«) published in the journal 'Delodajalec' No. 8/2015 (August 2015, p. 39). It presents the main findings of the research conducted by the ZDS which analyses the opinions and viewpoints of the employers as regards the benefits and obstacles when introducing work-life balance measures into collective bargaining.  More… 
  • Article »Kako lahko sindikati prispevajo k enakosti spolov?« (»How can trade-unions contribute to the gender equality?«) published in the journal 'Delavska enotnost' No. 24, 2nd July 2015, p. 10-11. It presents the main findings of the research conducted by the ZSSS which analyses the opinions and viewpoints of the trade-unions and workers' side as regards the benefits and obstacles when introducing work-life balance measures into collective bargaining.  more …
  • Project GEQUAL presented at the International Conference „Collective bargaining developments in time of crisis“, Budapest, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, 11th and 12th June 2015
    more, PPT
  • Project GEQUAL presented and promoted at the Slovenian Congress of Labour Law and Social Security »XIV. Dnevi delovnega prava in socialne varnosti 2015«, which took place on 28th and 29th May 2015 in Portorož-Bernardin, Slovenia, and attracted more than 300 participants
    photo, panomore…
  • about the project GEQUAL and the role of social partners and collective bargaining in the promotion of gender equality in the article »Starši in delo« (»Parents and Work«), published in the newspaper Delo, 22 April 2015
  • Radio Slovenia, First Programme (broadcast 'Jutranja kronika', 2 May 2015) reported also about the project GEQUAL, being conducted by the Institute for Labour together with its partners, and about the benefits that the inclusion of work-life balance measures into colelctive agreements could have
  • Project GEQUAL presented at the workshop in Moravske toplice, March 20 - 21, 2015, organised by the Institute for employment relationships and social security at the Faculty of Law University of Maribor 
  • Presentation of the project GEQUAL published in the journal 'Delavska enotnost' No. 11/2015
  • Presentation of the project GEQUAL published in the journal 'Delodajalec' No. 2/2015
  • Presentation of the project GEQUAL published in the journal 'Delavci in delodajalci/Employees&Employers' No. 1/2015

On these web pages we will provide prompt information about the project, its outcomes and activities which are freely accessible.

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