Reconciliation of Professional and Family Life in Collective Agreements: Role of Social Partners in the Promotion of Gender Equality (GEQUAL)


One of the main project activities is to prepare an educational module on the reconciliation of family and working life and to support it by the learning material, which serves as the basis for the performance of workshops and other similar activities of social partners aimed at strengthening the knowledge and awareness about the importance of including gender equality and work-life balance measures into collective bargaining and working environments.

Awareness, knowledge and competencies of social partners in this field are crucial and their commitment to the promotion of gender equality essential for the actual implementation of this fundamental principle in practice, through collective bargaining and by dissemination of knowledge and experiences among employers, trade-unions, negotiators in collective bargaining processes and employees - working parents, mothers and fathers. The participants of these workshops could further disseminate the acquired knowledge.

Inštitut za delo pri
Pravni fakulteti
v Ljubljani

Poljanski nasip 2,
1000 Ljubljana

tel.png01 / 42 03 164

Matična št.: 5051487
DDV št.: SI63914123


